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Advertisement Queries

Bubblelit ensures the sanity of the content is maintained on its screen and does not provoke any groups to object or hurt any sentiments or any copyright issues. Bubblelit is not responsible for any content that goes live.

All advertisements will be booked per 10 secs slots. If your ad duration is somewhere between then, we could pause the last shot of the ad or put a JPEG ad that you provide us for the remaining secs. You can put as many ads you wish in the booked slots.

Due to certain technical constraints, we accept only JPEG files. You can convert your TIFF file to JPEG and share it with us.

We take 48 hours to approve the advertisements unless there is an issue with the content.

We will ensure your ads play in the given time. If there are technical issues, we will provide you with replacement slots.

Payment Queries

Once the ads are approved, you get 24 hours to make the payment before the campaign starts.

The notice duration of 24 hours is applicable only if the campaign date is after the 24 hours’ notice. If the campaign begins before that, the payments need to be done before the slots begin.

No, additional GST will be applicable depending on the mediums chosen.